How to add your phone number to your account
How to add your phone number to your account
Adding a phone number to your account is a big step towards a secure eclipso account. If you have concerns about adding your mobile phone number, here are a few advantages:
- Have you lost or simply forgotten the password for your account? To reset your password at any time to regain access to your account, you can store an active mobile phone number (cell phone number) in your account. The mobile phone number should be permanently available
- With an active mobile number you can use eclipso SMS (credits required)
- Your mobile phone number can be useful to identify yourself in case of support requests regarding your account
How do I store a mobile phone number in my account?
- Log in to your eclipso Desktop-account
- Click on the gear symbol ⚙ or call up the menu Settings
- Switch to the menu Account | Contact details
- In the section Address in the field Cellphone enter your Cellphone number
- Then click OK to save the data
- As confirmation you will receive an SMS with a unlock code on your Smartphone or mobile phone
- Follow the instructions in the SMS and enter the activation code in the menu SMS in the corresponding field
- click OK to save the data
As soon as the activation code has been entered and the mobile phone number confirmed, you can use the ↗ Forgotten password function on our website.

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